Deyby Rodriguez

Deyby Rodriguez

Full-Stack Web Developer

About Deyby

Deyby is a Full-Stack Web Developer & Computer Science Educator based in New York City. He specializes in working with technologies, such as Node.js, Next.js, and Firebase.

Looking Into The Future

Deyby's end goal is to achieve a full-time Software Engineering role within the Finance industry.

Deyby Rodriguez Logo
Deyby Rodriguez Logo

Current Role

Deyby is currently an intern Software Engineer at Prudential Financial. Deyby focuses on backend development and data visualization within Prudential's Chief Technology Office.


Deyby has previously served as a Computer Science Instructor at organizations such as Google Code Next, All Star Code and Emerging Leaders in Technology and Engineering (ELiTE). He has developed and delivered curriculums in Full-Stack Web Development, Computer Science Fundamentals, iOS Development and Deep Learning with Python.


Deyby is currently a 3rd year student at CUNY Hunter College. He's working towards a B.A degree in Computer Science, with an expected graduation in Spring of 2025.